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The Great Invertebrate

Cubaris murina "Papaya"

Cubaris murina "Papaya"

Regular price $35.00 USD
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Cubaris murina "Papaya" is a morph that was isolated by Laura Riepel at Smug Bug, from a wild caught cubaris murina "little sea". This light pink isopod has pink eyes and is considered to be an amazing example of albinism in captive isopods.

This species has care requirements that are the same as the original "Little Sea" isopods and often times recommended as a stepping stone for beginners before more advanced cubaris species. Mancae (babies) start out white and slightly increase in color to pink every molt until reaching adulthood.

The Papaya morph enjoys a humidity range that can vary from arid to tropical, which means that can easily be added to a wide range of bioactive reptile and amphibian set ups. They prefer to have decaying wood, leaves and nutritious soil to eat but will also readily consume vegetables like carrot, sweet potato, pumpkin, zucchini and yellow squash.

The Papaya's also like the occasional protein snack such as dried shrimp, minnow, mealworm or cricket. We also supplement with Repashy Morning Wood, which is a powder that you can make into a gel food. We advise removal of any uneaten food after 48 hours. This isopod does well with cuttlebone as a calcium source, but also takes offered calcium cakes and limestone.

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