Isopod Care Guides

A group of grey isopods on a brown wood bark with the text, A guide to Cubaris murina Isopods History Care and Tips.

A Guide to Cubaris murina Isopods Including His...

The Cubaris murina is a small terrestrial isopod that has gained popularity amongst reptile and terrarium hobbyists in recent years. This species is also known for being a very forgiving...

A Guide to Cubaris murina Isopods Including His...

The Cubaris murina is a small terrestrial isopod that has gained popularity amongst reptile and terrarium hobbyists in recent years. This species is also known for being a very forgiving...

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About P. laevis "Dairy Cow"

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About P. lae...

Do you often wonder about how a certain isopod in your collection happened to originate in the hobby? Have you ever thought about the history of the species? Maybe all you really...


Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About P. lae...

Do you often wonder about how a certain isopod in your collection happened to originate in the hobby? Have you ever thought about the history of the species? Maybe all you really...

Best Beginner Isopods

Best Beginner Isopods

An article explaining what I recommend to beginner keepers as some of the easiest and budget friendly isopod species.

Best Beginner Isopods

An article explaining what I recommend to beginner keepers as some of the easiest and budget friendly isopod species.

Setting Up and Caring for Protonura sp. "Orange Springtail"

Setting Up and Caring for Protonura sp. "Orange...

The Protonura sp. “Orange Springtail” is one of the newer species in the isopod and springtail hobby. The small arthropod has gained popularity in the last year despite not much...

Setting Up and Caring for Protonura sp. "Orange...

The Protonura sp. “Orange Springtail” is one of the newer species in the isopod and springtail hobby. The small arthropod has gained popularity in the last year despite not much...

A group of "Florida Orange" cubaris murina isopods huddled together.

A Guide to the Cubaris Murina "Florida Orange".

Understanding and caring for the Cubaris murina "Florida Orange" isopod.  

A Guide to the Cubaris Murina "Florida Orange".

Understanding and caring for the Cubaris murina "Florida Orange" isopod.