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The Great Invertebrate

Cubaris murina "little sea", Hollywood locale.

Cubaris murina "little sea", Hollywood locale.

Regular price $8.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $8.00 USD
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We first discovered this species in our very own backyard, and have since raised many generations from the original few. Like all Cubaris species, the murina does well with an additional calcium source that is either limestone or closely mimics it. We use aquarium limestone rock in our enclosures, as well as cuttlebone. This keeps the exoskeleton of the animal in optimum condition. We also make sure to add plenty of leaf litter as their main food source, which is supplemented with high protein foods such as fish flakes, dried minnow and shrimp and vegetables like carrot and pumpkin. This locale breeds relatively quickly and offers up larger broods. We keep the enclosures at room temperature (75F) and only moisten the mossy part of their enclosure, leaving the rest of the substrate somewhat dry with the exception of a weekly misting.
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